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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Opening two windows for one WebDriver

I'm currently testing a project with two applications. The first is an administrator tool for updating/modifying the customer site and the second is the actual customer site.

There are three ways to test a project like this. The first is creating one instance of WebDriver and access each application one at a time, e.g.

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
// do some admin stuff
// do some site stuff

The second would be to create two instances of WebDriver. One to access the admin tool and the other to access the customer site, e.g.

WebDriver adminDriver = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
// do some admin stuff with adminDriver
// do some site stuff with driver

The nice thing about this scenario is that you might have different browser requirements. The admin tool only has to work with one browser and the customer site has to work with a variety of browsers. So I can hard code the adminDriver to one browser and configure the test framework to change the browser. Run 1, InternetExplorerDriver; run 2, ChromeDriver; run 3, SafariDriver; etc.

The third way is to create one instance of WebDriver and open two windows. If you use the driver.get() method, it will open the site in the current window. To open a second window you'll need to use something in Selenium to force a second window. The trick is to use JavascriptExecutor to run javascript which opens a second window, e.g.

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Set<String> windows = driver.getWindowHandles();
String adminToolHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();
Set<String> customerWindow = driver.getWindowHandles();
String customerSiteHandle = ((String)customerWindow.toArray()[0]);

The first two lines are straight forward and open a window with the admin tool. The next few lines does the following: get a list of the currently open windows, save the window handle for the admin tool window, open a new window using executeScript, get a second list of the currently open window (this will be the same as the first list PLUS the new window). Next remove all the original windows handles from the second list. This should leave the second list (customerWindow) with only one window handle, e.g. the new window. The last three lines show you how to switch between the customer site window and the admin tool window.

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