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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Selenium 2

I've been to the dark side (HP Quick Test Professional) for the past year but I'm back to working with open source tools like Selenium.

When I last looked at Selenium it was just in the process of releasing version 2.0.

One of my complaint of 1.0 was how inconsistent the Java APIs were. Simple things like iterating through all the OPTIONS on a SELECT list wasn't really there. You could use Selenium to make the application do anything a user would do but for test automation you need to have access to information that a manual test would usually validate with their eyes.

I recently started looking at version 2.0. There seems to be a great deal of improvement.

  1. It will still run the Selenium 1.0 code with no change at all.
  2. You can mix and match 1.0 and 2.0 code which enables you to slowly refactor your old 1.0 automation to 2.0 over time.
  3. No more effort trying to create a jUnit 3 case to extend all your test cases from.
  4. A much more simple design with far less 'extras' to help you, i.e. a K.I.S.S. approach to the APIs.

In the old Selenium 1.0 we would create an instance of Selenium and it would be the gateway to the browser. With Selenium 2.0 we create an instance of WebDriver. WebDriver is a base class of classes that represent the different browsers. If you wanted to create a fast, non-GUI browser you can use the HTMLUnit browser. For example, using jUnit 4 annotations, your @Before method would be:

WebBrowser browser;

public void setUp() {
    browser = new HtmlUnitDriver();

Now all your test cases (@Test) can you the browser instance to access the APIs. If you then want to change the test to run on a real web browser you can use:

    browser = new FirefoxDriver();
    browser = new InternetExplorerDriver();
    browser = new IPhoneDriver();
    browser = new AndroidDriver();

As new browsers are added to the WebDriver family this list will grow.

One you have a browser instance there is a limited number of options:


The biggest methods are the findElement and findElements. The first will find a single element. The input is the By class. It can identify elements by name, id, xpath, etc. If the identifier matches more than one element, it will return the first match. Realistically, I can see this changing with different browsers or at least changing over time as systems get upgraded. You really want to make sure the identifier matches a single, unique element.

The second method, findElements, works like the first method but it returns a list. Most elements are WebElements (some exceptions). So the first method returns a single WebElement and the second method returns a List<WebElement>. The best thing is you can find ANY html element. 

Once you have a WebElement, you have the following list of methods:


The findElement and findElements will search from the given element and down in the DOM. For example, if you use browser.findElement to find a SELECT tag then you can use the result of that to find all OPTION tags. It would then be searching under the SELECT tag and therefore find all the OPTIONs for that tag.

That is essentially it. K.I.S.S. Rather than using arrays it is using Lists and Iterators. If the elements are uniquely identified and don't move around much it could be easy to maintain elements. In many cases the developer will find he needs to change a DIV to a SPAN or an A to a IMG with an onclick attribute. Rather than searching for a DIV you want to encourage the use of id attributes (which must be unique according to HTML standards) you can then find everything By id. A change in the tag or location in the DOM would require no maintenance of the automation scripts.

More to follow...

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