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Wednesday, August 8, 2007


It has been a while since I have posted. I've worked on a number of things but I think the 'hot' topic right now would be testing AJAX. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. See Wikipedia's page on AJAX for more information.

A few years back a web site might be set up so you have two frames (left and right). The left frame has a tree view. When you select something in the tree view the web browser sends an HTTP Request to the web server. The web server response with an HTTP Response to the web browser. The browser then displays it to the right frame.

Basically, every time you click the appropriate link, the browser sends a synchronous HTTP Request, the user waits for the response, then it display.

Along comes AJAX. Now the tree view is javascript. When you select something in the tree view, AJAX sends an HTTP Request directly to the web server. The web browser is unaware of the request and therefore does not wait for the response. You can continue using the browser while AJAX, asynchronously, waits for the response.

The problem with testing AJAX is that most test software detects when the web browser does an HTTP Request and waits for the HTTP Response. Because AJAX handles the request and response, the test tools are unaware there is a need to wait. If the selection in the tree view took 3 seconds, the test script will click the tree view and nanoseconds later expect the results to be in the right frame.

Solution #1: I can put a sleep for 3 seconds. Problem is, network conditions change. It might be next time it takes 5 seconds or 7 seconds. We could brute force it and make the sleep 1 hour. But if it sleeps for 1 hour on each click and there are more than two dozen clicks, it will take over a day for even a simple test case. NOT A GOOD SOLUTION.

Solution #2: If my test suite is written in javascript and running in the same authentication domain as the website I'm testing (e.g. Selenium) then I could write my AJAX so it sets a flag when it does the HTTP Request and clears the flag when it gets the HTTP Response. Now the test code can wait for the flag to get set then wait again for the flag to be cleared before it assumes the right frame has the results in it. This is a good solution but it requires you to modify the application under test (AUT).

Solution #3: Create a man-in-the-middle setup. The way that man-in-the-middle works is original from a phishing (fraud) scheme. You have probably seen it. You get an email from 'your bank' telling you to log in and fix a problem with your account. The link says but the actual link is to The website will receive the HTTP Request from your browser, look over the information you are sending then pass it on to the real When receives it, it will log you in and send an HTTP Response back to The will examine the response, log it and send it back to you.

It is like putting a wire tap on your telephone. We can use this for good. I have running the web browser. I have running man-in-the-middle software and it will forward things to On I would normally go to Now I go to The man-in-the-middle software will be my test software.

Realistically, I could actually run the web browser and the test software on the same machine. I'd have less security issues if I did that and the URL would become http://localhost/my_fabulous_app/index.jsp.